Sunday, 21 August 2005

Everybody should Blog

Just as I have installed this new application called BlogJet to blog more frequently and easily, one of the millions of scintillating (mind you, this word has been corrected by BlogJet Spell Checking feature ;-)) neurons in my brain lit up and inspired me to write this post. Just think of all the possible uses of blogs. Actually, it is nothing more than a web site but the fact that with so little efforts the information can be published and shared by anybody and everybody is very important and powerful. Consider a group of grads sharing a blog for keeping in touch with their batch-mates, consider a group of people interested in The Taj Mahal sharing little snippets about its history with each other, consider a blog for citizens in a city for sharing their problems, consider a movie blog where people post their reviews on different movies, consider people from all over the world sharing their thoughts with each other on some special topic of interest. The possibilities are limitless.

One might think, “What different is this than having forums on different topics?” I think blogging is much less complex and much more flexible than forums like phpbb. Blogging is much cheaper (free of cost, so to say) whereas forums need to be hosted on web servers. Configuring forums require a lot of skills and understanding whereas Blogging is really one button publishing. Blogging has many features like RSS feeds, remote blogging through mail, mobile blogging, etc.

I have not researched on the web to see if such blogs already exist but here are a few blogs that I think are a must.

  • Blog by a local governing body in a city for updating it’s activities
  • Blog by large organizations to keep its employees all over the world in touch and also to keep them informed about the latest in the organization
  • Blog for TV series, Movies review n so on

Here, in India, people have just started blogging seriously. So, it may take a while for everybody to know n understand what a blog is. But, I see millions of new blogs being written in the near future and they are surely gonna help people communicate and share. (I hope, someone will use the web for what it should be used for ;-))

This is my First post with BlogJet

I’m currently trying Blogjet, an application that provides much feature-rich support for desktop blog publishing.

It’s like a little WYSIWYG HTML editor with adequet features like

  • Unordered Lists
  • Spell Checks
  • Recent Posts History
  • Other Formatting Features
  • Smilies, Images, etc

Saturday, 20 August 2005

Konfabulator is Fabulous

Looking at Windows Vista? Naah!!! It's Konfabulator.....

The idea is to use XML and perl to create cross platform widgets that sit on your desktop and may perform some functions. Currently I found a couple of good widgets like blogging wdget and Google Search Widget. Though not being used by many right now, this one is pretty cool and I suggest you to try it.

Saturday, 13 August 2005

Out of this World

My blog which has not been updated for some time now is now out of this world.....

This is what I got in my inbox in the morning....

Dear Humanoid:

Your attempt to contact extraterrestrial intelligence has officially begun. At approximately 7:43 a.m. on the morning of August 12, 2005 at a longitude of 28.3 North and a latitude of 80.6 West traveling at 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light, your message was beamed into deep space trailing the launch of Atlas V at Cape Canaveral Florida. (Again, something for the nerds; Pluto is 2.7 billion miles from Earth. That means your blog has far surpassed our solar system!)

Whoa!!! I wonder if they really do transmit all these blogs as they claim to do. Anyway, I'm still happy.....

Sunday, 7 August 2005


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.