Saturday 1 March, 2008

Money Matters...

If you do visit my website regularly then please take the following survey...

Take this Online Survey

If you do not visit my website regularly then take this survey...

Take this Online Survey


  1. OK, have taken your survey.

    In return, all I ask is that you blog more often now ;)

    - Rahul.

    PS: Ironic that you ask for "people who visit your website regularly" when the author isn't too regular himself :P

  2. Hey Rahul, thanx a lot for taking the survey...

    Every time I write a post, I decide to write the next one the next day and I have not less than a million topics in mind...

    But that next day turns out to be after a couple of months... :-(

    This time I am already working on an article...

    I wonder how you can write at least 3-4 times a month and appreciate it all the same...

    Please forward to more people if you can... Need to have at least a couple of thousand survey takers...
